AG crafts

You know, if you are a shopper, the saying “shop till you drop” is nearly impossible. these 2 American girls (or mini) crafts should make you not so “shop crazy.”

Teeny tiny book

You will need:

  • Paper
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Take your paper and pencil and trace the ruler onto the side of the paper. Then trace the ruler onto the paper into 8 pieces. Cut out the area of the paper you were working on. Fold like a fan, Then glue the back to back pages together. Then decorate as you wish. It can be a scrapbook and even a picture book!


You will need:

  • clay
  • a toothpick

Start by taking your clay and rolling it into a ball. Squish that ball and add texture to the top with the toothpick. Stick the toothpick into the steak.

I hope you liked it! Comment on my way.👧🙋Namaste.🙏

Image result for american girl doll